For more in depth information regarding Atlanta moving company’s workman’s compensation details, contact The Green Truck Moving & Storage situated on 3330 Ambrose Dr.
It is extremely important for you as the moving client to know that it is your responsibility to make sure as an individual or business that the moving company you are hiring is covered by Workman’s Compensation. If you hire a moving company that is not covered for workman’s compensation, you are accepting FULL LIABILITY for any employees who are injured during your move, because the local authority might just consider them as your employee while they are working. This includes medical bills and lost wages and a possible civil law suit. So, do make sure that you actually physically see and have printed proof of the moving company’s workman’s compensation documents.
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For a committed attitude to providing extraordinary moving customer service give The Green Truck Moving & Storage in Atlanta a call at (615)788 6982 or visit us at 3330 Ambrose Dr Atlanta, Georgia 37207.